Group Practice 
Dr. Claus Aletsee
Dr. Christiane Aletsee
Dentists/Oral Surgeon
Healthy teeth - from the beginning!
Our children's practice rooms are designed exclusively for the needs of small patients. We offer space for playing and thus a relaxed  visit to the dentist. An appointment with several children will not be a pre-programmed stress scenario. Childish urge to move is not suppressed by a strict waiting room atmosphere.
  We wish every child healthy teeth and gums for life. You do not need a secret recipe for this. Daily dental care, a healthy diet and regular prophylactic appointments are sufficient. We offer children a tailor-made preventive program. For your child, the visit to the dentist should be combined with positive experiences through early and regular contact with a trusted and sensitive treatment team. Thus, early damage can be minimized or even prevented. And when it comes to a filling and the unloved drilling, your child is in a familiar environment and does not feel at liberty. A not to be underestimated constellation.
The statutory health insurance companies support us: Every 6 months, the plaque on each tooth and the degree of inflammation of the gums is measured. Then the children will be shown the correct toothbrushing technique and the causes of caries development is explained. Finally, the enamel is hardened with a fluoride varnish. 
In addition, we offer all children a more advanced, modern, preventive and therapeutic program. We also work closely with orthodontists and speech therapists to initiate appropriate therapy in good time if necessary.

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